How do you Record Digital Video?
But there's another option for people who want to use video-sharing sites more as personal portals for sharing longer movie clips with a select audience. Another way to record and upload video onto a video-sharing Web site is to use video-editing software like Movie Maker, iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Turn on your recording device and press the record button on the Web site. Once you've recorded the video onto your camcorder or other digital recording device, you need to import it onto your computer using the video editing software. The advantage of video editing software is that you can combine multiple video clips into the same movie, add titles and transitions (fade in, fade out, dissolve), special effects and music soundtracks. The new clip will automatically appear on the Web site, no editing or uploading required. Most sites will ask you to name the clip, give it a short description and assign it some keywords or tags.
When you stop recording, the video-sharing site will optimize and compress the video clip. Tubemogul is a free Web site that'll submit your clip to all of the major video-sharing sites, then track how many viewers watched the clip on each site. There are also software programs -- for purchase and free -- that can submit the same video clip to multiple video-sharing sites simultaneously. If it's private, only people with the direct link to your video can watch it. Click on the link and follow the directions. Once you upload a clip, you invite people to watch it by sending them a link via e-mail. The basic functions of video-sharing Web sites are nearly the same: They allow you to search for and watch existing videos and upload your own. Nearly half of all American Internet users have checked out a video sharing Web site. Most of these sites have a prominent Upload button or Upload link on the home page. Article h as been created by G SA C onte nt Generat or Demoversion.
If you have a built-in Web cam, that'll be the default recording device. Go to the direct recording section of the video-sharing site. Now that you've edited and compressed your movie file, you're ready to upload it to one or several video-sharing Web sites. There are several software programs you can download that'll automatically compress and format video clips as Flash 8 files that can either be uploaded to sites like YouTube or embedded directly into blogs, personal Web pages or social network profile pages. On sites like YouTube and MySpace Videos, video clips are posted on the profile page of the individual who uploaded it. MySpace Videos, also known as MySpace TV, has professionally produced content including full episodes of TV shows and movies. From 2006 to 2007, the number of people who visit sites like YouTube, Google Video and MySpace TV has doubled. Those who earn "producer rewards" get cash for every thousand times a clip is viewed.
But because the world of video sharing is so new, it's hard to know where to get started. How do you get it on your computer? Connect your video recording device to your computer using the USB or Firewire cable that comes with the device. Direct recording is particularly useful for video bloggers, or vloggers, who enjoy being able to post quick video messages directly from their Web cam. Exactly how you import the video depends on what type of recording device and which software program you're using. We hope this HowStuffWorks article has been a helpful introduction to the tremendously popular world of video sharing. What's incredible is how recently video sharing has become such a phenomenon. If it's public, it'll be searchable and accessible to anybody on the video sharing site. So if you're inspired to make a video blog post while standing on the subway, you can. Starting around $7 a month, a user can upload clips as long as 30 minutes a piece and store as much as 100 minutes at a time on the site. This has been created by G SA Content Gene rator DE MO!
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