How Long a Video should Be
Remember, too, that view counts don’t necessarily equal success. Don’t try to compress your entire message into that tiny blip. Get to your message quickly-ideally within the first quarter of the video. When it comes to video ads and Instagram Stories ads, try to cover your key message in the first 15 seconds. If you’ve only got a short, informal update recorded on your smartphone at a conference and bound for Twitter or LinkedIn, 45 seconds to two minutes is probably all you need. Video tweets and Twitter video ads should both be 20 to 45 seconds long. The optimal length of a homepage video is similar to that of a TV commercial-30 to 60 seconds. If the video will be viewed by someone who doesn’t know you and hasn’t signed up to view it, assume it should be less than two minutes. Case study video length can vary widely, but viewers are likely mid or late-stage prospects who are apt to consume five to 10 minutes of video. The best practice for video length is to test and find what works for your audience. This data has been created by GSA Co ntent Generator DEMO!
There’s no optimal length for video marketing emails, but in most cases, we recommend keeping it to 45 seconds or under (unless you have a highly engaged audience). As for video ads, our advice is to stick to 15 to 20 seconds if you’re using pre-roll ads or six seconds for what are known as bumper ads, which are intended for brand awareness. Video length is dependent on the video’s ultimate goal and the target viewer’s funnel stage, and therefore a viewer’s level of investment and commitment to you. Or, perhaps they’re customers, and the goal is to teach them how the service or product works, in which case, they’re probably fairly forgiving. By this point, you have your audience’s interest and engagement, and the goal is to teach more than it is to entertain. Larger brands can petition to have their video limit increased to one hour. The optimal video length is whatever viewers are willing to consume. On the other end of the spectrum are Facebook Stories-those user-generated videos that expire after 24 hours-which can’t exceed 20 seconds. Make your landing page videos short: 30 to 60 seconds. Pro Tip: To make your brand’s Facebook page more engaging, replace the cover photo (the large picture at the top of your profile) with a 20 to 90-second video, or swap your profile picture with a seven-second profile video or animated GIF.
Use video analytics to find out where people drop off, then edit accordingly or, at the very least, apply the lessons to future content. Based in Brooklyn, Chris spent years selling SaaS technology solutions and now helps those companies craft their content marketing strategies. You can experiment with shorter ones, though: In the B2B marketing world, competing for limited attention spans, you are more likely to retain your audience if you go for shorter ones. Cold outreach videos should be 30 seconds or under, but mid and late-stage outreach usually involves answering questions, and those videos can be several minutes long. A YouTube viewer, for instance, may happily watch for four minutes, whereas an Instagram user probably won’t give it more than 15 seconds. For Instagram Live Videos, hit record and just keep filming. The rule of thumb is to keep most videos under two minutes, but optimal video length varies depending on where you share or embed it. How Long Can a Vidyard Video be? While demos on Pinterest can be up to 30 minutes long, yours shouldn’t be.
However, the further you go down the funnel, the longer your videos can afford to be-think minutes. But the more you can condense your message, say things concisely, and let viewers get on with their day, the more the videos will be appreciated and perhaps even shared. You can go over, but only if the video is substantive. 16. 3. How Long Should Different Types of Video Be? How Long Should Different Types of Video Be? Another way to retain and engage more of your view is to consider adding chapters to your long-form video content. Chris Gillespie is the writer and founder behind Find A Way Media which helps great businesses create killer marketing content. Thought leadership video length depends heavily on the use case, format, and content. In 2021, 83% of businesses reported using some form of video analytics, and those using analytics tended to be more successful and satisfied with their video investments. It probably far exceeds the Facebook user’s attention span, and that’s a lot of video to produce. Successful in-feed Facebook videostend to be 24 to 90 seconds long. If you’re running LinkedIn video ads, make them shorter: 15 seconds is ideal, with a maximum of 30 seconds.
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