How can i find out what information Exists about me Online?
Pipl allows you to search by name, e-mail, username, phone number and location, and is reportedly one of the more accurate of the people search sites. The simplest way to find out what's out there about you is to do searches for your name, e-mail addresses and other identifying information. Some people-finder sites may also have multiple listings for you due to name variations, misspellings and other issues, so you may have to do multiple searches and put in multiple requests. Many recruiters and hiring managers do online searches of people they are considering for jobs. The fact that entities are accumulating this type of data and making it readily available is obviously a big privacy concern. What sorts of data collection sites are out there and why should I worry? Blue, Violet. "Gallery: How people search sites get your information - and what you can do about it." ZDNet. You can take other measures like setting strict privacy settings on social networking sites and other user accounts. A lot of personal details are out there on a great many sites (with varying degrees of accuracy).
You might even find personal data on a regular Web site that isn't a data aggregator, and there likely won't be a formal removal process, but you may be able to contact the site owner and ask politely that your data be removed. Brinkmann, Martin. "Google's Me on the Web feature." gHacks. Sullivan, Danny. "Google's 'Me On The Web' Pushes Google Profiles - Take That, Facebook?" Search Engine Land. What else can I do to monitor and control my Web presence? This practice doesn't eliminate information, but might allow you an amount of control over the first links people see when they search for you on the Web, which are the things they are most likely to click. Now might be the time to revisit your user accounts and check your settings. Other information may come from federal and state public records, as well as from your social media accounts. What happens if your personal information is leaked online?
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How can I protect my personal data online? Schlitt, Carol L. "How Can I Remove My Name from an Online Database?" New York Law Thoughts. The easiest way to stop your name or personal information from appearing on Google search results is to contact the website owner where your information is published and ask them to remove it. You can use a Google service called “Me on the Web”, which allows you to search for where your personal information is listed online and to create Google Alerts for when your information is detected somewhere. If asking a large number of sites to remove your data seems like a Herculean task, and you don't want to wait for an act of Congress, there are growing numbers of sites that say they can delete your data from many of the data aggregators. Primary sites gather your information from primary sources, such as public records from government entities, utilities and the like.
In most cases, getting your information removed from a site does not erase the primary sources from whence it came. I've always been fairly private and careful about what information I put out there about myself. There are some other alternatives for monitoring and managing what's out there about you online. Are there any effective ways to remove this data? Many of them have automated methods of finding and removing your data from the popular people search sites. Some information about you might be on what some refer to as the surface Web, made up of Web pages to which other sites link and that can therefore be found by search engines like Google. Not to mention that these sites might make it easier for your professional associates to find that unflattering drunken vacation photo a friend posted of you. Me on the Web is really just a dashboard of features that already existed, including a typical Web search and Google Alerts, gathered together in one place for easier monitoring of your Web presence. Anyone -- including friends, enemies, prospective employers, law enforcement and lawyers investigating cases -- can find a host of information about you on these Web sites, some of it accurate and some not so accurate.
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