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Best of 2022: Top 5 Government Videos/Youtube Channels

1. Click the SAVE option under the playback screen. It shows how to save a YouTube live stream video for free. Want to download YouTube live stream videos? Great videos like this. 4. Navy- The Navy’s channel literally show’s what it’s like “In the Navy. ” There are videos that take you behind the scenes of different Naval groups and operations and give you an in depth look at what it’s like to be in the Navy. It’s a behind the scenes look at the President slipping away to pick up lunch for his White House staff. The channel takes you into the White House and allows you to see behind the scenes whether it is a press briefing, speech, or even the President pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey. 5. The US Census Bureau- The United States Census was taken this year and the Census Bureau’s Youtube channel was incredibly informative about the process of the U.S. 1. Rally To Restore Sanity Announcement- One of the biggest events of the year happened because of this video.

youtube shorts Th᠎is ​po st was do᠎ne wi th G SA C᠎ontent  Generator Dem​over sion​!

“Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” brought over 200,000 people to the National Mall (as well as many tv viewers) on October 30th, 2010. This video started the entire thing. I know I’ve spent quite a bit of time watching videos on the internet and then realize I’ve literally been sitting in front of the computer for over 3 hours! The Timer icon is used to set a time for the camera to start recording automatically. Step 4: Allow YouTube to use the camera and microphone. Chefs, baseball players, and Michelle Obama herself appear throughout the youtube channel. This Youbtube channel has partnered with the U.S. The campaign videos on the US DOT’s youtube channel are creative and some are actually very entertaining. 2. Let’s Move Campaign- Today, nearly 1 in 3 children in America are overweight or obese. First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Initiative has one core goal: to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation. A YouTube Shorts video can be up to one minute in length. When it finishes, you can click the Play icon to watch this video directly, or click the Navigate to path icon to see where the video is on your computer. Th᠎is art ic​le h᠎as be᠎en done by G SA Con tent G​en​erat or  DEMO.

It’s sad really, but there is some amazing content out there for us to watch! It’s an entertaining video that has a light-hearted feel to it. The video great because it discusses a serious topic in a fun, lighthearted way. 5. Women in the Navy- I touched on how great the US Navy’s Youtube channel is and this is one reason why. Now you have made Shorts videos available on your computer, and you can try to download an interesting one with a YouTube Shorts downloader. The channel includes interviews of our servicemen and women, which is one of my favorite parts. My favorite series is “Faces of Distracted Driving,” which includes interviews of family members who have lost loved ones due to distracted drivers. In a country where our phones are always in sight and we are constantly multitasking, tragedy and accidents are happening ever day due to distracted drivers. There are multiple desktop YouTube Shorts downloaders, but which to pick?

It is illegal to use the downloaded YouTube Shorts videos for any commercial purposes. Step 3: Add other YouTube Shorts videos you want to download to the playlist. This way is recommended when you want to see a specific category or a specific creator for YouTube Shorts. 4. Calling Plan- 2010 brought huge changes to the way we drive. The background music can be extracted from YouTube’s Library or other videos but it is only for up to 15 seconds. The videos really inspire you and make you want to go out for a jog (or at least take a short walk around the office). The channel has videos about how the counting is done. 3. US Department of Transportation-I love this channel because the US DOT really nails it when it comes to each channel series. I love this video because it puts a humorous spin on a very serious subject. Then, more tapping will record the next segment in the same video. 1. The White House Channel- If you’ve read several of my blog posts, you will notice I’m a big fan of the White House’s social media initiatives. Elmo joins White House Chef Sam Kass in White House kitchen to talk about the importance of healthy and delicious school meals following President Obama’s signing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Th is  po st h as ᠎been ᠎done  by GSA Conte​nt Gen​er​at​or Demoversi​on​.

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