It makes Good Fashion Sense, Too
Visit a few shops that are somewhat upscale for your lifestyle. More than ever before, celebrities are photographed, interviewed and evaluated based on their style sense. Consider adding highlights for a younger, more sun kissed look, or go a shade darker to add some mystery. When you upgrade your look, sweaters, slacks, jackets and skirts get the lion's share of the attention, youtube shorts with maybe a splurge on a decadent pair of shoes. Accessories get no respect. New styles, materials and accessories can be exciting or intimidating depending on your perspective. Let's take a look at five fast and easy ways you can change your look for the better. It doesn't matter what's in today, in three years it will look tired, in five it will be amusing in old photos, and in 10 it will be an embarrassment to your children. Go for a camisole, bra, panties and maybe a slip in a color that's light enough to wear under your work clothes, but not plain old white.
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You weren't born in an old lady hair helmet, so let your tresses fly free. Part your hair on the opposite side or down the middle. Write down some notes about the places you want to revisit. Put your hair up for a change (or take it down). It's a painless way to change your look and hone your fashion sense in a few easy lessons. If coral is the in color this season (or aubergine or ruby), use it in a few accessory purchases like a new blouse or pin. This isn't to say you shouldn't stick with a general length or color that suits you, but changing up your hair style occasionally can mean the difference between looking fresh and looking like the high school freshman who never got to hang out with the cool kids. You may not be able to buy a new winter coat, but you can buy a scarf and matching gloves to wear with it, or invest in a silk scarf for your navy blue suit or a new belt for that little black dress. Nothing's changed, necessarily. It's just that your appearance is beginning to look bland or even a little dull and dowdy around the edges. This has been gener at ed with the he lp of GSA Con tent Generator Demoversion!
The problem with staying with any one look too long, though, is that hair styles can date you faster than almost any other element of your appearance. But you do want to fine tune your appearance. You don't want people to think you're trying too hard -- oh, no. That would be worse than doing nothing at all. Think of it as recon. Think of it as an experiment. You want a look that's somehow fresher and brighter -- like you just got back from vacation, or lost 5 pounds or won the lottery. You want this transformation to be easy, though, and relatively painless -- and cheap. King, Poppy. "Beauty and The Brain: Why Red Lipstick Is More Important Than You Think." Huffington Post. Why? Women of old knew something many of us have forgotten: Lips have a sensual appeal that's strengthened by every smile, moue and pucker. Your lips may actually be the first feature -- anywhere on your body -- that a man notices and admires about you. If you're on a tight wardrobe budget, they're usually the first things dropped from your shopping list.
They also work well with neutral wardrobe colors like black, white, brown, blue, grey and khaki. If you peel off your comfy jeans, sweats or yoga pants with trepidation every time you're forced to go shopping, your forays into this year's latest styles could seem more like trying on costumes than treating yourself to a new look. The added emphasis will help create a more balanced look for your luscious lips. Style is more than the way you look in clothes. The designer garments that looked so au courant on the runway or in that celebrity interview will be copied, mass produced and on sale at a dress shop in your neighborhood before the ink dries on the style section of your Sunday newspaper. Visit a medium- to large-sized mall and look in the dress and accessory shop windows. That's a great deal of insight for a casual stroll around the mall. For generations, women have been pinching their lips or darkening them with anything from henna to cinnabar to pomegranate juice in order to add some color. If you don't stretch yourself occasionally and try new things, you'll have a hard time ever feeling comfortable with fashion. Here's the real secret of a successful mini-makeover: Forget about the broad strokes this time around and pay attention to the details.
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