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How to Choose Video length for Strong Branding

Long-form videos engage customers on a deeper level by placing a greater emphasis on entertainment and narrative. Short-videos tend to have a higher click-through rate, higher engagement, and higher level of video completion. After minute 6, engagement levels remain the same until a drop-off level at 12 minutes. Examples: Crowdfunding videos tend to be 2-4 minutes. Last year, 56% of the videos were under 2 minutes. Examples: Creative commercials or advertising usually last between 15 and 59 seconds, especially if these come before or during another video on Facebook or YouTube. Are you ready to create your next successful video? People are willing to watch long-form content as long as there is significant value to them. Overall, study after study has shown that success of a video is not as dependent on length as it is on content and value. These metrics will help determine the appropriate length of your video. By what metrics will you determine the video’s success? What do you need to know to choose a success length for your video content? How much time are they willing to invest in that type of video? What are you trying to achieve with this video? Both long and short videos have their merits-so how do you choose how short or long your video should be?

youtube short video While this is true in many respects, short is not always the answer. Short or long, True Film Production is here to create the best video for your goals and audience. Best yet, the cost to create a professional video often doesn’t rely on the length as strongly as it does on other factors of shooting. Authentic stories with subtle branding and creative narratives always perform the highest, no matter the length. It’s important to decide the length based on the purpose rather than trying to force content into a video size that simply doesn’t fit the goal. You can provide a long-form video on YouTube, and with a few edits it can be shortened and used on other social media. When you’ve determined the goal of your video, you can then determine how you will measure whether or not you’ve attained that goal. In an advertising realm where people lose attention in under 8 seconds, it’s common to adopt the belief that the shorter the video, the better. This artic᠎le w as c re at​ed wi th GSA Con​tent G ener at or DEMO!

They have varying levels of tolerance for the type, length, and invasiveness of the video advertising they see. Long content is also worth making if you aren’t sure how you want to advertise your video yet. You’ll also want to note where your target audience hangs out. The platform on which your target audience will be viewing your video will also determine the length. The length of your video should be dependent upon the goal of your content and the viewer you’re looking to attract. Consumers don’t like long-form advertisements interfering with other video or content they’re trying to watch. • What platform will host this video? • What is the purpose of this video? If you are interested in engendering loyalty with your current client list, you may want a longer video with your company’s founder examining the values and mission of the company. In this way, you may want a short video that can make a quick, branded imprint on a large number of folks’ feeds while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. For example, you are interested in driving a high number of impressions of new consumers. For example, you might be looking to teach people about your offerings, increase brand awareness, share a client story, or discuss the founding principles of your company.

Client testimonials or personalized vlogs tend to be 60-119 seconds, because these videos are used to engender a sense of loyalty with current and future viewers. Long videos are used to grow loyalty and a deeper sense of consumer engagement. This makes them ideal for new impressions and high levels of short-term engagement. Long videos generally provide a high return on investment because they have more room to play around with form. This is likely because younger generations have been bred into this quick mindset of instant gratification. A 2016 study found that millennials prefer short, quick videos they can watch on their mobile devices, while baby boomers prefer longer, more in-depth videos. Below we’ll discuss how you can decide on length based on your answers to these questions. The first and foremost consideration when determining the length of your video is the overall goal. Learn more about the power of the short video here.

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