Digital 2022: Global Overview Report
Meanwhile, TikTok users aged 18 and above in the United States now equate to more than half (50.3 percent) of all American adults. Ad audience data for TikTok users aged 18 and above indicates that more than three-quarters of all adults in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait already use the platform. GWI reports that more than 1 in 10 working-age internet users now owns some form of cryptocurrency, with that figure rising to more than 2 in 10 in Thailand. GWI finds that more than 7 in 10 working-age internet users (71.5 percent) now pay for some form of digital content each month, with that figure rising to almost 8 in 10 amongst younger Millennials. Dig deeper: learn more about cryptocurrency trends in GWI’s excellent Connecting the Dots report. Related: learn about the latest cultural themes shaping advertising effectiveness in We Are Social’s Think Forward 2022 report. Contrary to stereotypes, the world’s internet users are not averse to paying for digital content. Statista’s data also reveals that the world’s ecommerce shoppers now spend an average of more than USD $1,000 per person, per year on online consumer goods purchases. For example, data from Statista shows that global social media ad spend exceeded USD $150 billion in 2021, with social media ads accounting for roughly one-third (33.1 percent) of total digital spend.
Th is content has been gener ated by GSA Conte nt Generator Demoversion.
Overall, App Annie’s data shows that YouTube accounts for the greatest total time spent using social media apps on Android phones, and it also clocks the highest average time per user. However, social media’s share of overall internet time has actually fallen slightly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Digital 2022 Global Overview Report also includes data for some of Instagram’s individual ‘environments’, which will be particularly useful for marketers exploring opportunities such as short video formats and social search. The latest data published in Meta’s advertising resources shows that Instagram’s ad reach has jumped by an impressive 21 percent over the past year, despite important changes in how the company reports its ad audience numbers. However, ads in Instagram Stories now reach more than 1 billion users each month, and - with the format’s additional functionality and creative options - the Stories environment represents an ever more compelling opportunity. For context, if we assume that the average person sleeps for roughly 7 to 8 hours per day, the typical internet user now spends more than 40 percent of their waking life online. This post was do ne with GSA Content G en erator Demov ersion!
For example, the latest data from Locowise indicates that Facebook pages can now expect an average engagement rate of just 0.07 percent. At the better end of the scale, GWI reports that people in China are the most likely to say that they feel represented in ads, with just over 1 in 4 (26.8 percent) answering in the affirmative. Perhaps unsurprisingly given the rapid rise of platforms like Netflix and Spotify, TV and music streaming subscriptions are the most popular forms of paid digital content. Just before we get into the numbers, I’d like to encourage all readers to review our detailed notes on data, to understand how changes in data sources and methodologies may impact this year’s numbers. Meanwhile, spending in the grocery category has grown even faster than user numbers have. Note that Ookla recently changed its focus from mean speeds to median speeds though (click here to understand the difference), so these latest numbers aren’t directly comparable to the figures we featured in previous reports. This trend will be of particular interest to futurists, because faster mobile data speeds may also help to accelerate developers’ ability to deliver engaging AR, VR, and broader metaverse experiences via mobile connections.
Additional data: find more great mobile insights in App Annie’s excellent State of Mobile 2022 report. Furthermore, the excellent State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2021 report from GSMA Intelligence reveals that 1 in 4 people across lower- and middle-income countries is still unaware of the existence of mobile internet. So, while the UN may have designated internet access a “basic human right”, there’s still a long way to go to ensure that everyone has equal access to what is arguably the most important innovation of our age. Many of our lockdown-inspired behaviours have also endured, even as people venture back out into the world. To celebrate, we’ll offer a bumper collection of insights into how the internet impacts daily lives around the world, video shorts so be sure to check back for that analysis in late April. Filipinos and South Africans are also considerably more likely to use social media for work than the global average, with more than one-third of internet users aged 16 to 64 in both countries saying that social media plays a role in their professional activities. But how does that social media time break down by platform?
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