How YouTube Shorts is Combatting the Success of TikTok
Dinosaur extinction: 65 million years ago. Megalodon extinction: 1.5 to 2 million years ago. Despite the fact that scientists believe megalodon has been extinct for 1.5 to 2 million years, this mysterious megabeast continues to fascinate and educate people today. Between this new discovery and a breeding ground found in South Carolina, scientists believe that an infant megalodon could have been an average 20 feet (6 meters) long, the same size as an adult great white. Reilly, Michael. "Prehistoric Shark Nursery Spawned Giants." Discovery News. Carrier, Jeffrey C., Musick, John A., and Heithaus, Michael R. (Editors). Since then, biologists and scientists have unearthed hundreds of fossilized megalodon teeth and centra (boney, vertebraelike spinal segments), allowing us to learn more about this mysterious creature of the ancient seas. Hundreds of megalodon tooth fossils have been found, and they average 6 inches (15 centimeters) in length -- about the size of a human hand. Using fossilized teeth, scientists have reconstructed the jaws of the megalodon and discovered that this shark's mouth was a staggering 7 feet (2 meters) in diameter. Megalodon is thought to be related to mako sharks, porbeagle sharks and other lamniformes (sharks with two dorsal fins, five gill slits and a mouth that extends back beyond the eyes), including the great white. Th is was gener ated by GSA Content Gener ator DE MO.
Streaming wars in 2022 are centred around two major players: YouTube and TikTok. To encourage creators to publish more videos on its new Shorts tab, YouTube has decided to pay them 45% of the revenue generated by ads, which are shown between two short videos. Creators will be able to earn money according to the number of views generated. But be warned, in order to take advantage of this, the creator must have at least 1,000 subscribers and have reached 10 million views with Shorts videos, within 90 days. An option now deployed on Shorts videos. In addition to this publicity-nabbing move, YouTube also announced the launch of “Super Thanks.” This new option allows users to give money in the form of tips to the creators of their choice. Faced with stiff competition in the ruthless world of social networks, YouTube has decided to boost its incentives to help creators earn money. This article w as done with GSA Con tent Gen er ator DEMO !
Creators will be able to receive donations of 2, 5, 10 or 50 dollars. Experts can easily determine a megalodon's age at death by examining the centra and counting how many rings appear. By studying megalodon's tendencies in growth rate and age at death, scientists are able to understand more about sharks' evolution and how to conserve today's shark populations, too. Since several shark species are showing signs of population decline, scientists look to megalodon to help them understand how a top marine predator can become extinct. Life at the top of the food chain meant the megalodon could eat whatever it wanted, and with its supersized, serrated teeth and a wide mouth, it could disable whales and seals easily before gulping them down. It's not uncommon to find megalodon teeth up for auction on eBay, and some have sold for up to $1,500. In this article, youtube shorts we'll answer these questions and delve into what life might have been like for megalodon -- along with what makes this mystery monster such a hot topic today. What could life have been like for such a monolith of the sea? Most scientists agree a shark of this magnitude would most certainly have been discovered by now if it were still living in its natural habitat.
Sharks may have a reputation for being killers, but they provide a vital service in ocean ecosystems by keeping carnivorous fish populations down. As we mentioned before, it's important to understand megalodon's history, because it provides clues about the evolution of sharks and can help with today's shark conservation efforts. The megalodon's only legacy isn't marine conservation, though; it has become a pop culture phenomenon among science fiction fans who gobble up anything related to the megatooth shark. This has left experts with the arduous task of reconstructing megalodon's anatomy based on limited knowledge. But, just as human dental records can be examined postmortem to identify remains, shark teeth can also tell experts enough to identify the species and its size, possible prey, and prey size. Why do people collect shark teeth? C. megalodon was discovered in the 1600s when naturalist Nicolaus Steno identified large fossils -- previously thought to be tongues of dragons or snakes -- as giant shark teeth.
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