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How do you Know which Computer Files are Legal to Share?

download youtube shorts Original works published under Creative Commons or other shared licensing standard will often include a description of how the material may or may not be used. But if another Web site reproduces the licensed work without giving the required credit, you may download it without realizing that the site where you found the file is not the original source. You can also go directly to the Web site of a musician or television network to see if the song or program you're looking for is available there. When you bypass iTunes, Amazon, Netflix or HBO and instead, get your music, movies and premium television shows for free through a file sharing program, you deprive artists and copyright holders of royalty payments that they would normally earn. I can't even count how many new artists I learned about through these homemade compilations, or how many dollars I spent buying their albums because I loved the song or two I had just heard for the first time. We called it borrowing a book, or renting a video, or -- if you wanted to get really high-tech -- recording a song onto a cassette tape.

Of course, it wasn't actually called file sharing back then. In the days before the Internet, file sharing was pretty straightforward. When is a file legal to share? How can you tell if a file is legal or illegal to share? What's the worst that can happen if you share an illegal file? And if you forgot to return the borrowed book or take the video back to the store, the worst you would have had to deal with was an annoyed friend or a small late fee. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) maintains a list of legal music sites like Pandora and Rhapsody that let you find and listen to copyrighted songs, and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) maintains a similar list of movie and video streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu. Recording Industry Association of America. But it's the recording companies -- not necessarily the artists themselves -- who profit most from huge legal settlements and jury awards. Meanwhile, the example-making damages sought and the never-ending court appeals tell me that when it comes to finding a balance between the rights of artists and the interests of music fans, our copyright laws haven't yet caught up with our technology.  C on te​nt was g​en erated  by GSA Conte nt G en er᠎at᠎or Demoversion !

File sharing sites like Napster, Kazaa and Megaupload quickly caught the attention of the RIAA and MPAA, who blame illegal file sharing for hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue within the music and movie industries. This may include MP3 files and other music files; movies and other video files; photographs; pirated books and e-books; pirated video games or software applications; and TV shows, particularly shows that have aired on premium channels and are not otherwise available for free. The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that maintains an Internet library of works in the public domain, including movies, texts, audio files and software programs. And while most works published in the United States before 1923 are now in the public domain, it can be difficult to determine whether the copyright has been renewed on later works. As a general rule, assume that any recent creation -- and certainly any current song, movie or TV series -- is still under copyright and is therefore not in the public domain. Copyright law still prevents you from sharing or redistributing the file without the copyright owner's express permission, but in many cases you will be able to stream or download the content legally -- and for free.

If you create a work and you still hold the copyright for that material (i.e., you have not signed over the copyright to an employer or agency), you may of course choose to share it as you wish. Today, I'm more likely to discover new music through Pandora than anywhere else, and I have really conflicted feelings about the lawsuits over illegal file sharing. But let's say you can't find what you're looking for through any legal channels, or you don't want to pay for the music you download. You can find almost anything you want on the Internet. What can happen if you share an illegal file? Music, movies, images, software programs, video games, and even entire books can be located and downloaded with a simple search and a few clicks of the mouse. Masnick, Mike. "Is Downloading and Converting a YouTube Video to an MP3 Infringement?" TechDirt. What will the next 25 years bring? Electronic Frontier Foundation. "RIAA v. The People: Five Years Later." Sept.

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