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But are they Necessary?

youtube short video size It is not clear exactly how many pedestrian fatalities are directly caused by mobile device use, but pedestrian deaths in the U.S. A 2012 study by Safe Kids Worldwide showed that pedestrian injuries involving 16- to 19-year-olds went up 25 percent over the five years leading up to the report. A person in Pennsylvania fell into a mall fountain while texting, and video of the incident received over 4 million hits on YouTube. It describes achieving semi-transparency by alternating opaque pixels with pixels from the video. The latest version will purportedly give any app on the device a rear camera video streaming background along with a transparent keyboard. And who knows what our phones will be able to do in the future. And, of course, any number of sensors could be integrated into or attached to our phones to detect the things around us. Operating motor vehicles while paying attention to other things (like maps, food, GPSs and cell phones) is called "distracted driving," and it resulted in 3,328 fatalities and around 421,000 injuries in 2012 in the U.S. When it hears one of the sounds, it will turn off anything you are listening to and play either the danger sound or canned audio to alert you to pay attention. Th is  po st h as be​en c reated by G​SA Conte​nt Gen erator​ Dem ov ersion.

It takes both your visual and mental attention away from the things around you. Again, the safest bet is to avoid using the texting or accessing the Internet while walking. If you want this feature now, a third-party app is your only bet. But the patent means Apple could incorporate Transparent Texting into a future version of iOS to make it an integrated feature across multiple apps, which would make using it as simple as pushing a virtual button in whatever app you happen to be using. The patent indicates that there would be a virtual transparency button or other user interface element that could be used the toggle the feature on and off within a messaging app. As an example, the figure drawings in the patent show a tree on a hill that moves as the texting session progresses, with transparent word bubbles through which you can still see the scenery, along with an odd scrolling conversation about a cow that appears to be a portion of a joke that you can find in a May 1958 edition of The Rotarian magazine. In theory, the user can type or read text while still remaining aware of what's going on in his or her environment, at least directly on the other side of the phone.

 This article was generat ed with t᠎he help  of GSA C​onte nt Gener᠎at​or DEMO!

Distracted walking can encompass other things, like listening to music or talking on the phone, but the most dangerous, and increasingly common, variety involves reading and writing text while walking -- that includes text messaging, e-mail and social media. Like the earlier stories of texting and walking accidents, a man in the Philadelphia area was caught on camera falling onto train tracks while talking on the phone. How much havoc does texting while walking wreak? How do you talk to your teen about texting and driving? One potential solution to the problem is Apple's Transparent Texting. But Apple's transparent texting seems likely to come into being sooner -- if they decide to implement it, that is. How can texting make your banking easier? CamText can actually give rear-camera live-streaming functionality to the Messages app right now, but only if your iPhone is jailbroken. Transparent texting, or another app like it, can let you see the fast-approaching tree, moving vehicle or manhole you are about to walk into, and maybe keep you from becoming one of those ER statistics. Sometimes they bump into people, walk into street signs or worse. You can't very well look both ways when crossing the street while staring at a phone and updating your Facebook status.

When I first read this topic, I thought of Google Glass, then the technology in the movie "Her." Augmented reality and voice activated tech may mitigate this issue to an extent (while probably creating their own problems). It's sobering. I try very hard to only use the phone while at a stopping point. It will reportedly use a depth-sensing camera to spot upcoming obstacles and give you a pop-up warning. Holding your mobile device in front of you and looking forward may allow you to read and see the obstacles that are coming up, and maintain better posture. The video feed appears as if the display itself were transparent and you were looking through it at the path before you. On the screen, you'll see dialog bubbles containing the text, overlaid onto the video. The bubbles may be opaque, transparent or semi-transparent, although the text will remain opaque for readability. But constant video will drain your battery faster than simply texting, so you might want to keep your charger handy. The video will be at least partially obscured by text, but the more transparent the bubbles, the more you should be able to see. We're using them for text-based communication more and more, and given human nature, it's not all that surprising that we are not always doing so in a wise manner.

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