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Members Include Simpsons Creator Matt Groening

Make sure to start off energized, and get the important stuff in. All voting takes place online, and the independent firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers oversees the process to make sure the final tallies are accurate. This is much like the nomination process for the Emmy Awards, but different from the Grammy Awards, in which the Recording Academy's members nominate artists for awards. In 2010, the Webby Awards were announced on May 4, but the Annual Webby Gala will take place in New York City on June 14. Winners receive certificates and statuettes that look like springs inscribed with binary code. There's one big difference between the Webby Awards and other ceremonies, like the Oscars, Emmys and Grammys: Virtually no one who wins a Webby thanks the academy. The Webby Awards ceremony has one big difference from many other major award ceremonies -- recipients have a strict limit for the length of their acceptance speech. In 2003, the Webby Awards temporarily retreated to the virtual world, recognizing sites in 30 categories in an online ceremony. In 2000, about 3,000 people attended the awards ceremony at the San Francisco Opera House. Con tent has been gener᠎ated by G SA Cont en t ​Generator  DEMO!

youtube short video size In 1998, The Web folded, and the newly formed International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences took over the Webby Awards. International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. International Women's Media Foundation: Newspapers die, we're not. Today, the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences has more than 750 members, and the 2010 awards involved more than 100 categories. The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences has more than 750 members who specialize in each of the four categories included in the Webby Awards. As with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, membership in the Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences is by invitation only. Academy members weigh the criteria differently depending on the purpose of the site. Academy members review the short list and narrow it down to five nominees in each category. Once the deadline for nominations passes, site reviewers, who are experts in related fields, judge each of the nominees. People who are affiliated with Web sites, or who have permission to represent those Web sites, video shorts submit entries to the Academy and pay a fee to do so.

The Academy has specific judging criteria for Web sites, videos, advertisements and mobile applications. When judging Web sites and mobile sites, reviewers look at several aspects, including content, structure, navigation, visual design, functionality and interactivity. For video and film entries, reviewers look at the concept and writing and the craft of the finished piece. Next, we'll look at how the academy selects all these winners and why winning the spiral statue is a prestigious honor. You'll also learn why almost no one who wins a Webby thanks the academy, even though there is an academy to thank. Academy members can vote for one site in each category that is within their area of expertise. Non-English film and video entries must be dubbed in English so the judges can understand them. At least two judges review each site, and the Academy compiles a list of results into a short list of finalists.

The Academy also designates exceptional sites that do not earn a nomination or award as Official Honorees. A maximum of 20 percent of the sites entered can become Official Honorees. The winners aren't just be Web sites you can browse on your computer. The Academy expanded its scope, and it now recognizes the sites you can visit and services you can use from mobile devices. The Nature Conservancy - Protecting Nature, Preserving Life: Thanks, now save the planet. Its purpose is to recognize and encourage high-quality Internet content as well as to provide education and networking for technology professionals and the public. Members of the public get to vote, too -- in each category, the site that receives the most public votes wins the People's Voice Award. Members include "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening, Scott Adams of "Dilbert," Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry's, Arianna Huffington and musicians Beck and David Bowie.

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