YouTube Video Formats
Get ready to have your mind blown by how much time this powerful tool will save you. One great thing about sites like YouTube is their ability to accept many different file formats, making it much easier for home users to participate. I did not get to stretch and learn and teach as I had hoped with my prisoner students who have so much to teach us about technology, as they are denied access to social media and are therefore uniquely situated to see it, but I have learned about social media and social justice this semester from other students and teachers. I was going to assign books on the subject (with a few pages excised, mostly due to their discussion of sexuality on YouTube), exercises where prisoners would write screenplays to be shot by their fellow-students who had access to cameras and the Internet, and conversations about the meanings of all of our varied and regulated access to technology. This post has been g enerated by GSA C on tent Generator DEMO.
It’s short-form video content for anyone who wants to create short, catchy videos using nothing but their mobile phones. However, it does help to understand a few basics and create videos in a format which will work best for your content. Our tools are there to guide you through the vertical content creating universe. Turn your landscape videos into dynamic vertical videos within minutes. This can be a good option for short videos. YouTube recommends a resolution of 320x240. Note that this is smaller than the standard YouTube video screen - videos this size are automatically expanded to fill the screen. A quick test indicates that the screen used for the main YouTube player is 450x338 pixels (do not take this as an official specification though). YouTube simply converts it to the FLV format. This is the default format used by many editing programs. You can try uploading almost any format - there's a good chance that it will work. Th is data w as done wi th GSA Content Generator DEMO!
YouTube will re-compress the file when it is converted to FLV, so you don't need to worry about the file size. These are perfectly acceptable, but may not provide the same quality or small file sizes as MPEG4. In most cases you will need to compress your video before you upload it (this may be done automatically by your webcam or editing software). But with TikTok boasting over 600 million monthly active users worldwide, even the video juggernaut that is YouTube said “Whoa”. Shorts are YouTube ‘s answer to TikTok. Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for more helpful tips and tricks on how you can get the most out of YouTube Shorts. YouTube recommends MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) with MP3 audio. This game-changing feature is great for making sure things like Captions and Overlays don’t interfere with the YouTube Shorts user interface. I began to understand a critically unnamed truth about social justice and social media only made visible through the structuring denial of access to the Internet and other technology as a fundamental feature of contemporary punishment: technologies of care, conversation, and personal liberation through education need no more tools than access to each other.
Con tent w as g en erated wi th the help of GSA Content Gener at or DEMO .
You can now preview what your video will look like on YouTube Shorts using Kamua’s Social Media Skins. If you have a fast connection and plenty of bandwidth, it makes sense to create video files with the least compression while still keeping to the 100MB size limit. The best approach is to compress files the least amount possible. This option probably provides the best compromise between quality and file size. It provides excellent picture quality but file sizes are large. On the whole, 320x240 is a fairly good compromise which suits the different player sizes well enough. One of our ongoing claims is that education needs to be situated in the lived environments of learners, whether that be institutional (are you at a community college or an art school?), regional (California or Calcutta?), cultural (what traditions and values matter where we live and learn and how do we speak about them?), or personal (what matters to me?) In their top-down, one-size-fits-all, elitist, scale-and-profit-driven underpinnings, most MOOCs are not particularly responsive to or even interested in the situated, lived differences that make learning (and teaching) both exciting and challenging. Post has been generated by GSA Content G enerator Demoversion !
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