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YouTube Insight: View your YouTube Video Statistics

youtube short video size Over the past year, Ryan has invested “a lot more time into creating actionable video content for my YouTube channel, including a few videos that are geared specifically around driving affiliate conversions-like this 44-minute in-depth tutorial that covers every single step involved in starting a blog this year. In any event, if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, make sure to do so and also check out the Search Buzz Roundups - I do offer prizes. If you’re promoting technology products, for example, colorful and text-heavy thumbnails are required to stand out. If you’re reviewing a Canon camera, for example, naturally weave related phrases like “Canon camera review” and “reviewing the Canon camera” into the description. Or he or she may walk forward, with the camera pointing behind him or her. To date, Ryan’s affiliate video has over 6,700 views and more than 70 comments-most of which are questions from people who are seeking advice about getting their new blogs off the ground. Teeth Talk Girl is one YouTuber who creates affiliate content on the platform.

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YouTube is a superb platform to do that. YouTube shorts is a new feature that allows creators to upload short TikTok-style videos to their channel. For some keywords, Google’s algorithm pulls YouTube videos to display in Google search results. Moving it up rotates the drum, which pulls the pulley in closer, which stretches out the spring. They’re designed to be quick-fire videos that users can flip through quickly-though that’s not to say your affiliate marketing strategy has to leave them out. Encourage impulse buying with round-up videos like “monthly favorites” that contain links to affiliate products. A blog and YouTube channel are both powerful marketing tools to spread the word about your affiliate links-even more so when combined together. The YouTube Blog and Google Blog announced YouTube Insight, YouTube’s new video statistics area. In short, additional statistics are now available to users who upload videos to YouTube. You can see that California has the most views, then New York, probably because I post the videos Friday at noon EST and who wants to watch a video before they leave work?

To access your stats, you go to the my videos page and click the “about this video” button. Product review videos. Almost nine in 10 customers read a review before making a purchase. Someone looking to upgrade their home office could purchase several items for multiple videos. Wirecutter’s “working from home” playlist, for example, has 10 videos that share tips on how to set up your home office space. Cater to visual learners with product review videos. Explain the good (and bad) points about a product you’re incentivized to promote. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also has strict guidelines on stating whether you’ll earn affiliate income from a product recommendation. Start earning income through the platform with the tips outlined in this guide. But people aren’t just using the platform to be entertained. There are expected to be 2.8 billion YouTube users by 2025, making it the second-most popular social media platform in the world.

Produce content your target audience is searching for, optimize them for YouTube search, and avoid clickbait for the sake of monetizing videos. You can get stats on the number of views per day your video received, where those viewers are in the world, and how popular your video is compared to other videos in a given period of time. This guide shares how to earn affiliate commissions from YouTube, complete with video ideas to get you started. Does YouTube allow Amazon affiliate links? For many affiliate marketers, YouTube is the secret weapon that powers successful affiliate marketing campaigns. Very nice job, YouTube. YouTube recently surpassed $3 billion in global consumer spend. You can also drill down into each country and see deeper insight into your views by country. Let me drill down deeper into the stats and show you screen captures of the stats from my weekly video recaps at the Search Engine Roundtable. Put the keyword in the video title. Include keywords in the video description.

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Youtube Shorts