How Long should Videos Be?
If you establish that you’re sharing quality information that your audience truly needs, they’re more likely to stick around for the longer video. If you’re doing a demonstration or another type of video that will take longer than the suggested limit for your platform, clearly tell viewers what they’re going to see as soon as possible. So, thanks to our collective attention deficit, content creators have a limited window to engage viewers with video. Though I mentioned our attention spans are shorter than ever, that doesn’t necessarily mean every piece of content has to cater to these conditions. Both comments and pings are currently closed. The more time we spend connecting with a brand, the more likely we are to trust that company. We’re going to chat about optimal lengths for online video content and how to use that time in the most effective way for your market. And it can be tough to gauge the optimal video length when the top-performing content on YouTube ranges from 42 seconds to 10 minutes. In a 2018 blog post, LinkedIn said that the optimal video length for B2B marketing videos on their platform is 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Instagram does offer a solution for longer videos via IGTV (up to 10 minutes). This article h as been gen er ated by G SA Cont ent Generator DEMO!
Instagram users are generally multitasking and on the move, so they aren’t interested or able to tune in for the full minute. What are some best practices for video marketing? LinkedIn is another platform where users are generally viewing videos without sound, so consider titles as we mentioned above in the Facebook section. Even though Facebook allows four-hour uploads, research shows that most users engage with Facebook videos for about a minute before scrolling along. 1. Use bold, clear titles to drive home the main points and ensure people get the message even if they watch with no sound. So when do you have to be brief, and when is it okay to slow down and drive the message home? According to AdAge, “if you have not fully engaged your audience after the first 30 seconds, you’ve likely lost 33% of your viewers, and after one minute, 45% of viewers have stopped watching.“ With the sheer information overload that exists on the internet today, people just don’t always have the time for a longer video. In the YouTube Advertisers kickass educational series, Unskippable Labs gives us some great insight into considering mental stimulation versus emotional connection when it comes to the length of time it takes to tell an engaging story through video. This was g en erated by GSA Content G enerat or Demoversion!
Different platforms support various lengths of content, but regardless of where you’re sharing your video, the length of that video affects viewer engagement. You’ve got some ideas and you’re ready to get to work, but how long should your content be? If the video is a tutorial for snaking a drain (you’re welcome for that visual), open the video with “I’m going to show you how to snake your nasty shower drain.” Show them a sample final product if you can. We can help you create the most effective video for any platform. Reach out to us today to talk about your video dreams, and we can bring them to reality, from creation to distribution. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be putting out long-form video content. Teaser videos or snippets of longer content is a great way to generate hype about your content get people talking about it. How Long Should Social Media Videos Be? A majority of users also watch Facebook videos on mute. They also mentioned that the headline is the most influential factor determining whether or not a user will watch a video, so make sure the headline is punchy and aligns with the key message of the video.
The key determinate is the story. They want to hear your grassroots story about how you started-from-the-bottom-now-you’re-here. However, if you have a story to tell, YouTube’s research says go for the longer video. Then, if you have more to say, go on with it. So if you have a great piece of content that might be an outlier to the 30-second rule, check out IGTV. It’s best not to bury the lead when it comes to video marketing content. With an unlimited supply of video content out there, there’s always something else to watch. Grab users’ attention with a short, punchy video, then provide the option to watch the longer version via link to YouTube or Vimeo. Although people will head to YouTube for a longer viewing experience, statistics still say that videos under 5 minutes will generally garner the most user engagement. But how do you navigate that information when it comes to marketing videos? You already know video is crucial to your marketing game. IGTV videos, once clicked, use a video player with pause and scrubbing options.
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